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DeadSecCTF 2023 - LCG Writeup

DeadSecCTF 2023 - LCG Writeup

May 22, 2023
19 min read
Table of Contents

Had a lot of fun playing DeadSecCTF this past weekend, here’s a writeup for the challenge LCG in the crypto category.


Can you recover the message?

chall.py out.txt

import random
from Crypto.Util.number import *
import gmpy2
class LCG:
    def __init__(self, a, c, m, seed):
        self.seed = seed
        self.multiplier = a
        self.increment = c
        self.modulus = m
    def next(self):
        self.seed = (self.multiplier*self.seed + self.increment) % self.modulus
        return self.seed
    def __str__(self):
        return ", \n".join(map(str, [self.seed, self.multiplier, self.increment, self.modulus]))
def gen_primes(PRIME_SIZE):
    lcg = LCG(random.getrandbits(PRIME_SIZE//4), random.getrandbits(PRIME_SIZE//4), random.getrandbits(PRIME_SIZE//4), random.getrandbits(PRIME_SIZE//4))    
    r1 = random.getrandbits(PRIME_SIZE//4)
    p = r1 << ((PRIME_SIZE*3)//4)
    for _ in range(3):
        p = p | (lcg.next() << (PRIME_SIZE*(2 - _))//4)
    r2 = random.getrandbits(PRIME_SIZE//4)
    q = r2 << ((PRIME_SIZE*3)//4)
    for _ in range(3):
        q = q | (lcg.next() << (PRIME_SIZE*(2 - _))//4)
    return lcg, p, q
while True:
    lcg, p, q = gen_primes(512)
    if gmpy2.is_prime(p) and gmpy2.is_prime(q) and gmpy2.gcd(lcg.multiplier, lcg.modulus) == 1:
n = p * q
e = 65537
flag = b''
c = pow(bytes_to_long(flag), e, n)
print(f"n: {n}")
print(f"ct: {c}")
print([lcg.next() for _ in range(6)])
n: 21650447514664703683541519919331263390282460469744888634490387443119262785059244453207960009159682413880209329211270923006772751974531441721185385117102290236861537255410467283919771278372439649180599019262938453870697814603482585923290155250911013461308363715765472530666765831515068628482160014076801654521
ct: 13119263762666966865889936515574328574427409372529276945448580211178603280310168998625170993340627371121987348265853339044876374353275949199559703791552498065356283102983556442205370872035849628351308403614183495058585452791359893308496622183117417598843112140605324797308265631765340150190302633479928043831
[29861218495988619292793747700054834633, 80515105569441253388392760789853242718, 146729873894560318431962601721322042903, 147107348315338274128018394071748133508, 166087854880219056255852907837404957463, 210401924703541158042341118614982072753]

So here’s the main setup:

  • We’re given a basic RSA encrypted flag with n and ct.
  • We also have an LCG that generates the lower 3/4ths of p and q (the upper 1/4th uses a different PRNG).
  • We’re given 6 outputs of the LCG.

This means that somehow, we first need to completely recover the LCG, step backwards to find the lower bits of the primes, then factor n to break the RSA encryption and get the flag. Let’s get started!

Breaking LCGs: The Easy Part

Let’s start by cracking the LCG first. There’s plenty of documentation online on solving LCGs with 0 information, but I’ll try to walk through it here.

Finding the modulus

First we need to recover the modulus of the LCG. To do this, we can use a simple trick to recover multiples of the modulus and gcd them together to find either the modulus itself or a low multiple.

Let’s set up the following equations and define SnS_n as the nnth output of the LCG, as well as aa as the multiplier, cc as the increment, and mm as the modulus:

Sn=aSn1+cmodmTn=Sn+1SnmodmT0=S1S0T0=aS0+cS0modmT1=S2S1T1=aS1+cS1modm\begin{align*} S_n &= aS_{n-1} + c &\mod m \\ T_n &= S_{n+1} - S_n &\mod m \\ \\ T_0 &= S_1 - S_0 \\ T_0 &= aS_0 + c - S_0 &\mod m \\ T_1 &= S_2 - S_1 \\ T_1 &= aS_1 + c - S_1 &\mod m \\ \end{align*}

Between consecutive elements in TT, we can notice this pattern:

Tn=aSn+cSnmodmTn=a(aSn1+c)+c(aSn1+c)modmTn=a2Sn1+ac+caSn1cmodmTn=a(aSn1+cSn1)modmTn=aTn1modm\begin{align*} T_n &= aS_n + c - S_n &\mod m \\ T_n &= a(aS_{n-1} + c) + c - (aS_{n-1} + c) &\mod m \\ T_n &= a^2S_{n-1} + ac + c - aS_{n-1} - c &\mod m \\ T_n &= a(aS_{n-1} + c - S_{n-1}) &\mod m \\ T_n &= aT_{n-1} &\mod m \\ \end{align*}

Meaning that TT forms its own LCG with the same modulus and multiplier but no increment. Witht this new LCG, we can now easily find the modulus by just multiplying different items in TT to get differences that are kmk\cdot m for some integer kk.

T1=aT0modmT2=aT1modmT12=a2T02modmT2T0=(aT1)(T0)=(a(aT0))T0=a2T02modmT12T2T0=0modm=km\begin{align*} T_1 &= aT_0 &\mod m \\ T_2 &= aT_1 &\mod m \\ \\ T_1^2 &= a^2T_0^2 &\mod m \\ T_2T_0 &= (aT_1)(T_0) \\ &= (a(aT_0))T_0 \\ &= a^2T_0^2 &\mod m \\ \\ &\boxed{T_1^2 - T_2T_0 = 0 \mod m = k\cdot m}& \\ \end{align*}

If we gather enough of these, we can just gcd them together to find the modulus. Unfortunately, the output is chosen so that we get a multiple of the modulus, but since we know the number has to be around 128 bits, we can easily guess that it is a factor of 55 too large.

from math import gcd
S = [29861218495988619292793747700054834633, 80515105569441253388392760789853242718, 146729873894560318431962601721322042903, 147107348315338274128018394071748133508, 166087854880219056255852907837404957463, 210401924703541158042341118614982072753]
Ts = [S[i+1] - S[i] for i in range(len(S)-1)]
Us = [abs(Ts[i+2] * Ts[i] - Ts[i+1] * Ts[i+1]) for i in range(len(Ts)-2)]
M = abs(gcd(*Us))
print(M, int(M).bit_length())
>>> 1224107675531864356603669618231679702075 130
1224107675531864356603669618231679702075/5 = 

Nice! We’ve recovered the modulus, so we can move on to part 2, recovering the multiplier.

Recovering the multiplier

Let’s go back to the TT LCG earlier, since the multiplier is the only unknown there. We should be able to easily recover aa like so:

T1=aT0modma=T1T01modm\begin{align*} T_1 &= aT_0 &\mod m \\ a &= T_1T_0^{-1} &\mod m \\ \end{align*}

But if we try this out in Python, we get an error…

# continuing from before
Ts = [T % M for T in Ts]
T0 = Ts[0]
T1 = Ts[1]
A = (T1 * pow(T0, -1, M)) % M
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 16, in <module>
    A = (T1 * pow(T0, -1, M)) % M
ValueError: base is not invertible for the given modulus

Unfortunately, our TT values aren’t coprime with mm, so we can’t just take the modular inverse. Thankfully, we can still recover aa very simply by the following identity:

g=gcd(T1,T0,m)T1=aT0modmT1g=aT0gmodmga=T1g/T0gmodmg\begin{align*} g &= gcd(T_1, T_0, m) \\ T_1 &= aT_0 &\mod m \\ \frac{T_1}{g} &= a\frac{T_0}{g} &\mod \frac{m}{g} \\ a &= \frac{T_1}{g}/\frac{T_0}{g} &\mod \frac{m}{g} \\ \end{align*}

(Just a note, if aa is too small after this calculation, we can just add m/gm/g to it until it properly satisfies the TT LCG)

# continuing from before
Ts = [T % M for T in Ts]
T0 = Ts[0]
T1 = Ts[1]
G = gcd(M, gcd(T1, T0))
M_g = M // G
T1_g = T1 // G
T0_g = T0 // G
A = (T1_g * pow(T0_g, -1, M_g)) % M_g
print(A, T1 == T0 * A % M)
>>> 761998600219052390751011947734077631 True

Calculating the increment

Now the last part is the easiest, all we have to do is

S1=aS0+cmodmc=S1aS0modm\begin{align*} S_1 &= aS_0 + c &\mod m \\ c &= S_1 - aS_0 &\mod m \\ \end{align*}
C = S[1] - S[0] * A % M
>>> 166465905477134684675482981011786701870

Going backwards

Now that we have all the LCG parameters, we can simply just step backwards to get the low bits of both primes.

# inside LCG class
    self.inv_mult = int(pow(a, -1, m))
def prev(self):
    self.seed = (self.inv_mult * (self.seed - self.increment)) % self.modulus
    return self.seed
lcg = LCG(A, C, M, S[0])
for _ in range(7):
p_low = 0
for _ in range(3):
    p_low = p_low | (lcg.next() << (PRIME_SIZE*(2 - _))//4)
q_low = 0
for _ in range(3):
    q_low = q_low | (lcg.next() << (PRIME_SIZE*(2 - _))//4)
print(p_low, p_low.bit_length())
print(q_low, q_low.bit_length())
13840502788412896965686804480699888011094508190835972222953823231587129208721991127413360932081103349687895622036439 383
7320629874514098189615003088850781500246108104301157430019735253104825244834103750925350260034317414424601821524399 382

Actually just Univariate in disguise? ⚠️ Sage & math ahead ⚠️

Now we have the low bits of both primes, we can set up a bivariate equation which should give us the high bits like so:

k=384(offset for high bits)f=(plow+phigh2k)(qlow+qhigh2k)n\begin{align*} k &= 384 \text{(offset for high bits)} \\ \\ f &= (p_{low} + p_{high}2^k)(q_{low} + q_{high}2^k) - n \\ \end{align*}

But actually, because these equations are over the integers, we can use the monic and small_roots functions in SageMath to create a univariate polynomial with an easy solution!

P.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(n))
p_small = 13840502788412896965686804480699888011094508190835972222953823231587129208721991127413360932081103349687895622036439 # from above
f = p_small + x*2^384
f = f.monic()
p_high = f.small_roots(beta=0.4, X=2^128)[0] # beta should be less than 1/2
x + <very big number here>
51124072313420104261781687898895862037 # our p_high!

In fact, when I was solving this challenge originally, I forgot that monic existed, and kept trying to jank some method for small_roots. Eventually, I stumbled upon this implementation which I used to solve (It implements this paper).

It creates a bunch of monomials from the original bivariate polynomial and uses LLL to solve for small roots. If you want specifics, I recommended reading the paper and checking out the code.

Anyway, the solve implementation is the same, just call the provided coron method with the correct parameters.

X = 2^(int(p_low).bit_length()+1)
Y = 2^(int(q_low).bit_length()+1)
P.<x,y> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)
poly = (x * 2^KNOWN_SIZE + p_low) * (y * 2^KNOWN_SIZE + q_low) - N
p_high, q_high = coron(poly, X, Y, debug=True)[0]
p = p_high * 2^KNOWN_SIZE + p_low
q = q_high * 2^KNOWN_SIZE + q_low
print(p, q)
2014391014078298385848382718603864559304182057702332106747947726391450683922565863407711433231851216065404029594338847221099546815781164798298144058780631 10747887258904919568852319173708167129975394787092626003408658827329574207417581519371916706345292847334280224997653414111932233127444601482464256870134191


Finally, we have recovered pp and qq. All we need to do now is calculate dd and decrypt the flag.

from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
e = 65537
d = inverse_mod(e, phi)
ct = 13119263762666966865889936515574328574427409372529276945448580211178603280310168998625170993340627371121987348265853339044876374353275949199559703791552498065356283102983556442205370872035849628351308403614183495058585452791359893308496622183117417598843112140605324797308265631765340150190302633479928043831
m = int(pow(ct, d, N))
# Dead{7d19a88ab11151c222a8b}

GG! 😄

Closing Thoughts

I had a lot of fun doing this challenge (cough cough even if vishi lied about our modulus being wrong cough cough), and I feel like I’m actually starting to understand these types of Coppersmith attacks and polynomials a lot more 😎.

It’s been a long journey since I first started doing CTFs so it’s nice to do these challenges where I can see my own progress. I hope you enjoyed reading this writeup, and I’ll see you in the next one! 👋